Behaviour & Discipline

We are focused in accessing and respecting each child’s personal level of comprehension. As per the EYFS guidelines we believe in providing a secure framework through setting clear shared rules within an atmosphere of care and respect. This will ensure every child will develop socially acceptable patterns of behaviour.


We follow the 6 steps from the High Scope approach of conflict resolution;


i)                 Approach swiftly and calmly - we believe in stopping hurtful behaviour as soon as it starts without scolding.

ii)                Acknowledge children’s feelings - we use language such as ‘you look cross’ or ‘yes I heard that you want the bike but’ before talking about sharing, etc.

iii)               Gather information from the children – we look to understand what happened, what the problem was, to listen and be fair.

iv)               Restate the problem – we feel is important to use the child’s own words at the same time as helping with communications exchange as well as easing the interaction between children.

v)                Ask for a solution – ‘what can we do to solve this’?  We listen to children’s suggestions, and give them time to find a way towards a solution without leaving a feeling of

one-upmanship. We also avoid rushing them - long pauses often mean they are thinking about it.

vi)               Be prepared to give follow up support.  We always praise and show appreciation when children resolve the situation.


If you are interested in seeing our complete Behaviour and Discipline Policy, please ask a member of staff or contact us on


Want to apply for a place? Please complete the application form and remember to pay the £20 registration fee.

DVPS Application Form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 59.5 KB

Joining the pre-school? Download our Welcome Pack for some useful information.

DVPS Welcome pack 2018.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.6 KB

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance