Constitution & Charity Structure

The pre-school's registered charity number is 1169408.


The charity structure and legal entity of Dulwich Village Pre-school is in the form of a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO). Membership is available to parents/guardians when their children attend the pre-school. This enables voting rights, which allow members to support the aims of the CIO. Furthermore, trustees are elected at the AGM in the Autumn term to manage the affairs of the CIO in order to further its purpose. The pre-school has a constitution as its governing document.



Dulwich Village Pre-school Constitution.
Adobe Acrobat Document 8.7 MB

The Essential Trustee [CC3].pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 591.2 KB

Want to apply for a place? Please complete the application form and remember to pay the £20 registration fee.

DVPS Application Form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 59.5 KB

Joining the pre-school? Download our Welcome Pack for some useful information.

DVPS Welcome pack 2018.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.6 KB

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance