Our Committee is growing

At the end of last year’s meeting we were looking at lots of empty seats.  But I am now thrilled to say our committee is alive and kicking.  We have a new Vice Chair, Secretary, as well as a few new members.  That together with our wonderful Treasurer, plus Pam and her team leaves us in much better shape than before.


This doesn’t mean we don’t need or want other members.   Our first meeting this year reminded me how invaluable it is to have new blood involved.


So, thank you all for your time and support. 


And for those mums who got in touch about helping ‘as and when’ – please do! You don’t have to be a committee member to help out.  Just look out for emails and our newsletter – this is when we usually ask for informal help.


All help is welcome, always. 



Izzy’s mum & Committee Chair

Want to apply for a place? Please complete the application form and remember to pay the £20 registration fee.

DVPS Application Form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 59.5 KB

Joining the pre-school? Download our Welcome Pack for some useful information.

DVPS Welcome pack 2018.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.6 KB

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance