Rugby comes to Dulwich Village Pre-school

I guess it’s not surprising that given our location, we would welcome opportunities to introduce the world of Rugby into what we do – even if it’s just a little.


This is why we are excited about the work Ian Kenny is doing.  As Alleynian’s Junior Rugby Academy Director, he knows about Rugby – and kids.  After coaching children for 11 years (boys & girls from 5 – 18) he has set up an initiative called ‘Give it a try! – Rugby for all which we will be running this term.


The sessions will be primarily focussed on health and wellbeing through physical play.  Numeracy will also play a part, as well as understanding language and colour recognition, using simple skills drills.   Basic Rugby skills will be included in this case; catching, passing and running, along with more general skills such as balance, agility and co-ordination.


Ian says “I will also be looking to develop their social skills, encouraging them to share and take turns, while working together.”


The first session seemed to go very well – see for yourself at our Gallery.

Want to apply for a place? Please complete the application form and remember to pay the £20 registration fee.

DVPS Application Form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 59.5 KB

Joining the pre-school? Download our Welcome Pack for some useful information.

DVPS Welcome pack 2018.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.6 KB

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance