
The pre-school recognises parents as the first and most important educators of their children and we hope that your child's time at the pre-school will be a very happy and productive one. Our staff are always available to discuss any queries.



We encourage parents to take part in the management of the group by joining our active committee and assisting with the organisation of fund raising activities.

If your child attends our pre-school, please make sure we have your email address on our database. 



We don't spam or share it with anybody but we do email parents with latest news, updates, events information and general reminders.


The Committee

We are a registered charity and run by a parent voluntary committee.


Throughout the year the committee meets in order to discuss new fundraising opportunities, our yearly events and cover any issues that might have arisen.


The committee is instrumental in enhancing the children's experience during their time at pre-school and we welcome all parents to join.


If you have any specific questions about how to become a member of the committee, please get in touch.


Visits & Admissions

We are always pleased to receive visitors to look around the pre-school.

To avoid disruption to the children please phone 020 8693 2402 or email in advance for an appointment.

We have appointments available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10.00am or 10.30am.


Show & Tell

We encourage all children to bring in items from home so they can tell the class about them.


It could be a special toy, a book or photographs of a special event....whatever it is we would love to hear about it!

Welcome Pack

If your child is starting with us, please download our Welcome Pack. In it you will find some basic information about the pre-school which should help with those first few weeks!

DVPS Welcome pack.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.8 KB

Want to apply for a place? Please complete the application form and remember to pay the £20 registration fee.

DVPS Application Form.doc
Microsoft Word Document 59.5 KB

Joining the pre-school? Download our Welcome Pack for some useful information.

DVPS Welcome pack 2018.docx
Microsoft Word Document 29.6 KB

We are members of the Pre-School Learning Alliance